Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Red Deck, Blue Dog, Heavy Tree

Did a few projects this month.  Replaced the shelves in the pool pump room:



Stained the bedroom deck … was a little redder than I expected.  I can only image how red it really is to a non-color-blind person, but Helen likes it:


Caught a mouse (I hired this task out):


Re-potted a bunch of fast growing plants.  10 more years and they will likely be re-potting me:


Moved a 20 foot cedar tree 20 feet, across a 10 foot retaining wall.   This one was a bit of a challenge, those root dirt balls are heavy!


I enlisted a helper:


And got a bit dirty:


But it made it mostly in one piece.  I tied it up, as it no longer has strong roots. 


I’m pretty sure it will die, but seemed like a fun challenge, and doesn’t look dead yet, a few hot summer weeks later.

We gave Helen’s new electric bike a inaugural ride 20 miles up City Creek … I had a hard time keeping up:


Our friends Jason and Marie got a 2nd Dachshund, this one is blue:


And really small, only a little bigger than my big toe:


But from his stance, I suspect he will be fearless like his older brother:


We took them up on a 4 hour hike up Grandeur peak, the 1 year old hiked all 3300 feet up on his own!


The peak was 1 foot short of 8300 feet, so we jumped the last foot for extra credit:


I took a tour of the new Salt Lake Fire, Police, Emergency building.  Largest net-zero energy building of its kind in the country, and it can withstand a 7.5 magnitude earthquake:


This is a massive 15 foot LED display that shows real time police activities:


And this is a map showing simulated results of how buildings will stand up after the big 7+ 1000 year earthquake that is overdue hits us.  Our house is one of the red dots … 70-100% predicted damage:


Its those darn mountains … to make them, you have to shuffle things up periodically. 

But to end on a more positive note … those darn mountains can be pretty pretty, especially when they spit out rainbows, this one over Mount Olympus:



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