Tuesday, November 03, 2015

87 windows and a bunch of round holes

We've had a busy but mostly fun month doing a variety of house chores.   Lots of window work ... I counted a total of 87 windows!   We replaced 10 of the 38 big (> 3') double pane windows which were fogged due to broken seals.    It took a variety of ladder configurations, but I also got most of the windows cleaned:

Helen did some forest maintenance:

And we got the Utah Buddah's re-employed to watch over things:

Buddah Trough the Looking Glass (one of Helen's round deck hanging crystals):

The Fall weather and leaves have been wonderful:

Helen did a couple of Arts projects.  This one used fabric samples from a couch we never bought:

This one re-constituted a chandelier using crystals that they brought over from Russia:

One of my tasks was to plug these holes in our outdoor wood beams.   Care to guess who makes them?  

Not this guy.   His job is to eat bugs:

Like these guys:

This guy is the author of that perfectly round hole, a carpenter bee.  I learned they can make extravagant tunnels in wood, with the only sign being a perfectly round hole like the above:

They have powerful jaws to chew through wood:

 Another project was to move the treadmill ... after much agitation, I determined this was the only orientation to get it to fit through that door.   That treadmill will be buried in that room:

This box has the last project for this month:

Doggy thought it was a new chew toy:

He was disappointed to learn it was a king sized bed:

We spent 6 hours putting it together: 

It was worth it ... much more comfortable then the round futon bed:

One of my co-workers who works in Ohio discovered the previous owners and pipe organ that used to live in this house now live in an amazing new house they just finished building on Lake Erie ... this time with 2 pipe organs!   This link has some photos, as well as a little history of our house:


Lastly, I did another geek video on house voice control.   It starts off with a quick walk-through of the house:

