For a few weeks last month, these tulip flowers rained down on everthing in our backyard, including on this guy:
Turns out we have a bunch of tulip trees! They only flower at the top of the tree, and only when the tree is mature and tall, so you never see them until they rain.
Care to guess where this stuff came from?
Those leather work gloves were new last month (I went through 4 pairs!). Those screws came out of this part of the deck:
And then it magically changed to this:
I’ve spent much of the month doing more trail work. I’m up to 500' of trail and 64 steps … those steps are the hardest part. Rocks are heavy.
For the last few weeks I have been taking more showers than usual for some reason. Here I was so dirty, our camera wasn’t sure it wanted to take my picture:
Here is another before/after shot of another section:
In between moving rocks, I moved a piano and couch. They were easier than rocks. Our living room before and after:
Last project was to snaked 150' of garden hose up the creek to gather some free water presure to make a fountain using a garden nozzle, then added yet more landscape lighting to light it up at night:
I hope the night creatures are not too mad at us for lighting up the forest for a few hours each night:
One of the new lighting tricks I discovered was using those adjustable focus flashlights to highlight things, like Helen’s crystals:
I did a video about how to do that, along with all kinds of other LED lighting:
Max turned 1 year old this week!
Turns out he likes birthday cake:
He also likes pine cones. And his parents:
And he likes to fly:
In addition to Max coming out of Beta this month, Nick’s company, Code Combat, also was officially released. Here are a couple of press links:
Announcing CodeCombat Classroom Curriculum, Seed Round from 3KVC, a16z, and Allen & Co
CodeCombat Scores $2 Million Seed Round to Bring Programming Adventure to Schools (EdSurge News)
Last photo. I found this guy enjoying a shower on the new fountain nozzle: