Coyotes have moved into the neighborhood. Some of our backyard creatures are scared:
Others are defiant:
Others are peacefully oblivious:
I used the coyote invasion as an excuse to setup more cameras in the forest:
And I caught him!
Also caught some possums and an armadillo:
For catching birds, I put the camera close to the feeder:
Then use a remote control and then wait for them to smile:
I had fun with a power washer, cleaning steps and sidewalk at Irina’s still un-sold house:
Back home, we were planing on replacing some worn bathroom vanities when I discovered that you can re-surface them with a special paint:
It has embedded rock chips that give it a quartz like finish:
I wired up our creek fountains so I can talk to them:
Closing with one more bird photo. I don’t think he liked me.