Monday, December 30, 2019

Xmas Bone Head

I learned you can now print 3′ posters for $50, so I updated the drone photo-ed backyard trail map (white lines are the trails) and art-ed our wall:
Somewhere in that forest, a bunch of deer hide out:

We spent xmas with Mom in Montana.
Zach, Nick/Chloe, Max/Clark, and Aya/Eric joined us for all kinds of fun. Puzzles were solved:
Games were played.
Books were read:
Bughouse chess (2 teams of 2) was a blast!
Big boys were manly:
Little boys were cute:
Max was facinated by the deer skull bones we had at the cave:
The rest of us were fascinated by fire and warm jackets:
We pulled 6 garbage bags of out-dated supplies from the study and medicine closet:
We timed our trip back to hit a nice snowstorm in Denver. This guy is trying to convince us to wait out in the sub-zero wind chill for our gate checked bags:
We were happy to get back to balmy Alabama … dogs were happy too