Happy springs. Jessy has been training for her first marathon for the
last 6 months. Today she ran her first 20 mile run in the local
Rochester marathon. She sprinted the last bit, so looks like she will
be good for her first full marathon in Duluth in a few weeks.
Nick made it to Virgina Tech ok last week. He will be working on a 3d
sound research project for 2 months. There is a bit of travel in our
future also. In 2 weeks, Helen and I will spend a few days at a
conference in Chicago, then fly for a few days to New Hampshire for her
fathers 75th Birthday. Then we drive out to Syracuse in a month.
Finally, in 2 months, Helen, Zach, and I (grammatic note to you
grammatically incorrect youngsters, it is foo and I, not me and foo!)
booked flights for a week in Montana, 7/29 -> 8/5.
Helen's Mom found a place we can park Helen's dog Toosik for a while, at
a rural home in NH. We will either fly him out to meet with us in NH
in 2 weeks, or drive him out with us in July.
Speaking of driving, I decided to give my RX/8 back when it's lease
expires in a month. I was going to buy it, but decided to lease when
dollars added up to be about the same (they had a good lease incentive),
then buy it when the lease was up. But since Helen will be usually
walking or biking to work, and I'll be working from the apartment, we
barely need one car, much less 2. And Helen's Subaru Outback gets much
better gas mileage. Zach blames my decision on Gore's 'An inconvenient
truth', and he is partly right.
And Zach just sold HIS mazda (the red miata). He decided he wanted to
get out of various debts and have some moneys he could use to get his
Del Sol running. So he is currently car-less, but will likely buy a
beater soon. We might become a 0-car household for a while. That will
freak the insurance guys out.
The second one shows Zach's super human strength, lifting the gutted
blue car with one finger. Actually, the superhuman part was when Zach
removed the engine and trany (third picture) by himself earlier that day.

The last picture is Helen's over-loaded arm. Why 2 watches? Goodquestion, one repeated by many a curious Mayo-ian. She left the fancy
atomic watch on the right on Eastern time, since fancy atomic watches
require an atomic engineering degree to set their time zone.
Helen's web page: http://toughshiitake.org (shiitake is a mushroom and
she is a big shroomer). The photo blog (1st link) is a lot of fun.
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