Life is good, the world still exists. At least till we all implode when they turn on the supercolider in Europe this summer and we all become a black hole.
Helen's parents came for a visit a few weeks ago. Here I am showing them something I forgot about on the internets ... probably porn.
Last week I got back from my 2nd trip back to visit Rochester. Zach is doing well. This is his he in his current 'beater' car. 200k miles, but 'runs like a champ'. Notice the 2 screwdrivers. The top one controls the windshield wiper, the bottom the ignition.
He lent me the car a few times ("dad take the car, the 'key' (aka screwdriver) is in the ignition"). I was ok until it rained. At that time I didn't know there was a 2nd screwdriver needed for the windshield wipers.
He did a great job on refinishing the basement. Here is the new family room:
And Nick, probably don't recognize it, but this is your room, currently rented out to a guy named Dustin:
How did he find time to redo the basement? While working full time at Discount and working on his car and helping his multitude of friends with multitude-of-friends issues (he drove to Chicago the other week to rescue a stranded friend)? He became Borg:
Borg, for those non-trekies out there, are computerized humans who are unstoppable. Oh yeah, another Zach activity is he started running. Bought himself some fancy running shoes and a 24 hour health club membership, which he does indeed use at all hours of the day. Last Sunday he and 40ish other Discount Tire employees from around the state had a 3 mile race up in the cities. He kept right on the tail of a crazy guy runner and the 2 of them finished over a minute ahead of everyone else! About 5.5 minute miles.
Helen just bought me a new pair of running shoes yesterday. Beaut of a day today, so gonna go try them out.
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