Nobody stands a chance at guessing this mystery photo. It was taken from an unusual perspective:

I made a video with some more details on the solar water tube project I wrote about a few months ago:
The maker of the tubes featured my some of my photos on their website.

Last week Helen was at a conference in DC, so I took a trip to Miles City. I took doggy, but left catty, which meant we had to figure out a reliable way to feed him, without feeding the neighborhood raccoons and birds. I made a video describing what I came up with:
It worked! We came back to a live and happy cat.
I had a good visit with Mom, Scott, and Mike. Google auto-posted some of the photos for me here:
I joined Mom on here daily hikes with flash, here at spotted eagle:

And here on the Yellowstone, Bantik like licking Grandma:

Here we are near Signal Butte:

Doggies like the car ride almost as much as the hike:

Especially when we drive by a cattle ranch … lots of good smells there!

Our friend Scott Elder gave us a tour of his ‘EarthShip’ house, made with ramed earth in old car tires:

They have a beautiful view of the Yellowstone:

There are some articles about his house here and here.
In between hikes and visits we got lots accomplished. Cleaning the garage was one of the challenges. Scott and I filled up another couple truck and car loads to the dump and good will:

Mom is popular with the local animals. Most of these cans are full of bird and squirrel food:

Lana, Scott and Darcy’s friend, painted the hallway (and indirectly, doggy’s tail). I retired the old security alarm control box I had put next to my old room door about 45 years ago:

This weekend I continued my cleaning spree, this time back home in Utah. Filled up the car for a trip to hazardous waste disposal:

I filled up part of the garage with a bunch of stuff on its way to a local charity:

That mystery photo was a bit unfair. The only people who might have guessed are those of you who overwatered a golden barrel cactus for several years and then gingerly lifted it up and took a picture from the rotted out inside, a place few cameras tread:

I’m not good with cacti. mostly because I don’t like them (they bite). So I retired a mostly dead bucket full of them, with some prejudice:

We’ve had some fun guests, here from a visiting neuroscientist, demoing the latest in EEG monitoring hardware/software:

This is Helen’s Princeton classmate Esther Gokhale, who was in town presenting her healthy back therapy at the national adult Ice Skating Championship. Esther is known as the ‘back guru of Silcon Valley’ .

The Utah Epilepsy Association held a meeting at our house. They are a very dedicated group:

We had our last snow storm a few weeks ago. I went hunting for ice and water in our backyard with my macro lens:

A few more photos posted here:
Closing with a cute dog photo. We discovered the best time to give doggy a bath … right when the laundry comes out of the dryer. He loves the warm cloths when he is wet:
