I'm an Eastern people now. We said goodbye to Zach 1 week ago ..
We traveled through 7 states (was supposed to be 6, but I missed the I90 turn in Chicago, so we took I94 to Detroit) and arrived just in time for me to plug in my laptop and travel back to Rochester for a week of telecommuting. We wired in 10 mbs cable internets and so far work is going well. Helen is also getting aqainted with her new job (e.g. found out where the bathroom is) and is already seeing patients.
One week later, we are pretty much moved in. This includes the hanging of kitchen tile thingys who's purpose still eludes me:

And the setting up of kitchen table (complements of Zach and Jessy) and TV couch (complements of Laurie):

We have downsized a bit on the TV, leaving my 62 incher in Rochester, opting instead for Helen's 10 incher. Just as well, as we didn't sign up for cable TV, instead seeing if Bruce can feed on netflix and internet TVs (Helen feeds on the Sunday New York Times).
At the other end of 'the big room' we have my work area:

Complete with an awesome new desk that Helen got me for my birthday. She fretted that it was not a very romantic present, but I pointed out to her that I was an uber-geek, and for an uber-geek, you can not get much more romantic than an massive hi-tech computer desk.

In between unpacking, we did a little exploreing. Here we find we have a secret attic, with Helen pondering how many bats find their way through the broken glass:

A few blocks from our apartment have a 70's styled neighborhood, with lots of little shops. No hippies found yet, but this flag indicates they are hiding out somewhere nearby:

Helen found an herb garden:

And I a rose garden:

Today, Helen made me a wonderful birthday dinner. She found 49 candles and secretly tried standing them up using crazy glue. After an hour of serious candle standing effort, she calls me in and I see a magnificent bon fire of candles next to a woman with fingers crazy glued together.

Now it is time for raspberry birthday cake ... gotta go!
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