Lots of photos to share. Helen upload some to here:
I picasa-ed some to here:
And a few more posted here. Lets start with one of me boys, Zach admiring Nick's daemon red eyes:

Nick talking to some not-so-random girl (Hi Chloe) whilst Dad's monster new plasma lurks:

Swister Sue tests out the cave hammock:

Shianna and Dad school me in Chess:

Johny admires Nicks monster caterpillar:
Helen is awed by Majestic Montana Mountains:
Zach works his way out of a rut in the rental car, millions of miles from nowhere:
One last thing to share, a 2 minute video of clips I've taken in the last 2 months. So this is a bit of Syracuse and a bit of Montana. 2 fit that into 2 minutes, Movie Maker Automovie made them into real little bits:
Next weekend we are off to Helen's place in NH to celebrate her birthday with kids and friends.
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