Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy SuperBowl - 1,

I've had bad luck with cameras.   Mine is back in camera hospital for the 2nd time, lacking the ability to focus.    Helen's camera died after taking a couple of icicle photos.   It died of fright just before trying to taking a picture from underneeth a magnificant 12 foot icicle.    But my underwater camera is still working, so I have a few pictures to share. 

We had a good new years visit with Noah and his friend Jen:

Was very pretty at the lake. Lots of fresh snow:

We have been out x-country skiing a few times:

This is Helen pretending it is possible to skate on a rough, snow covered, mostly frozen lake:

We are 1/2 way through the snow season and yesterday reached the season average of 120 inches!   I doubt we will break the all time season record of 200 inches, but I can always dream.     Most of the snow has melted, so on the ground we only have about a foot:

A couple of neighers down the block are having a snow fort competition.   This is the smaller fort:

My  underwater camera didn't want to take a picture of the bigger fort, which was 2 stories with a big inside chamber.    I think the camera didn't get a good photo because it was too big.  Or maybe it is because it didn't look like a fish.   They father and his daugher invited me to crawl around inside.  This is probably pretty safe roof structure:

Was cozy.   Even warmer than our apartment.    Helen and I are on an adventure to see if we can make it through the winter without turning on the furnace.   Except for the 4 times we have had visitors, we have left it off, guiltily absorbing heat from the downstair apartment.   When it got down to 0 outside, we got down to a low of 48 inside, but most of the month has been in the mid-50s.   The trick is layered clothing.  Our model here walks the runway with thick socks, ug boots, jeans with wool liners,  4 layers of shirts, and a bowl of warm oatmeal. 

Had a chat with Zach today.    He is down to one roomate and has been cleaning and re-organizing the house!   He is not getting many hours from his job installing security systems, so is planning on working at the local Ford dealership, starting in a few weeks.

A few days ago he drove up to Minneapolis an bought a miniature pinscher!   Generic dog info here:

Specific cute puppy photo here:

6 weeks old, male, goes by the name of Cheese. 


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