Sunday, March 26, 2006

FW: News from MN, 3/14/2004


Nick and I just watched 'O', and recent movie about a high school basketball
start, following the Shakespeare Othello theme. A classic and effective
tragedy. One of the extras on the DVD was a 1922 version, which we also
watched. It is a silent movie, where they display text on the screen way
too long for us modern day speed readers. So we cranked it up to 2x speed
and replaced the orchestra music with modern hip-hop. The music fit in
surprisingly well.

Zack is working on a variety of cars in the garage today. If you listen
closely, you may be able to hear the occasional thumping of his sound tests.
He keeps getting referrals from friends of friends of acquaintances of
people who happen to live in the same town as we do. The local Saturn
dealership called him in one lunch to replace a stereo system, and a few
weeks ago a guy with one of those big new monster SUV's dropped by the pawn
shop looking for the stereo kid, looking for someone to do a big install.

Nick's school had the last game in the local school tournement last week.
His team was neck and neck with one other team for first place, leading or
trailing by one game. Nick one his games, and in the end, the score was
tied with one game still in progress on board 2. A very close came, in both
time and position, but his team eventually one. He has 3 tournaments left
this season, including a couple of road trips.

I was invited by a co-worker to go to the Passion for Christ movie last
week. His church had rented out a theater and had some seats left so they
invited guests. That is one graphic movie. Not word in English either,
but they did have subtitles. My co-worker and his wife confessed they
didn't keep their eyes open for parts of it ... not a good way to watch a
movie with subtitles ;)



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